2024 SGC Swim Like an Olympian Clinic
When: Mon 23rd - Tues 24th September 2024
Where: Gold Coast Aquatic Centre - Map Link
Age: Session 1: 9-10yrs
Session 2: 11-12yrs
Entry: Free
Clinic: Aimed for JX Bronze and above
Rego: from 5:00pm 16th June 2022
Cap: 30 swimmers per session
Contact: racesecretary@swimminggoldcoast.org.au
Registration Link - see below

Swimming Clinics:
SGC Swim like an Olympian Clinic
Clinic Date:
Monday 23rd September 2024 – 9-10yrs – 8:45am – 11.30am
Tuesday 24th September 2024 – 11-12yrs – 8:45am – 11.30am
Clinics are designed to work with athletes to help to improve their understanding on how a focus on technique and skill is crucial on the path to long term success.
Included in the day is:
A special guest Olympian inspiring the swimmers and sharing stories/ hardships / challenges and successes
Athletes working with Gold Coast Coaches on skills and body position improvements
Numbers are strictly limited to 30 on a first in basis for each session.
To be eligible to participate a swimmer must:
Be a competitive member of a Swimming Gold Coast Swimming Club;
Be in the following age group categories: 9 – 10 years, or 11 – 12 years;
Ages as of the date of the clinic – 23rd September 2024;
Seek the permission of their coach.
The invitation for attendance also requests that swimmers gain the approval of their coaches to attend the session. Please speak to your coach before you RSVP to the session.
No catering will be provided at these sessions, so please bring your own water and snacks.
Registrations open now through the below link.
Closing date for RSVP is at 6.00pm Thursday 19th September 2024, or when the cap of 30 swimmers has been met for each session.
Swim coaches have the ability to request the region to consider additional swimmers to be added to the clinic. The coach will email SGC to request consideration with times of the swimmer. Parents are to liaise with coaches regarding selection and addition to any development clinic.
A coach of a club who does not have a swimmer selected for the clinic can nominate a swimmer to attend the clinic provided a coach from the club also attends.
All enquiries are to be direct by email only to racesecretary@swimminggoldcoast.org.au